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يساعدك تطبيق Be Together في العثور على شريكك المثالي والبدء في التعرف عليهم لتكوين علاقات جادة وزيجات ناجحة.

Stuck In The Singles Club? Here’s How To Get A Girlfriend

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If you’re a single guy that’s looking for a deeper connection, you’re most likely asking yourself how best to get a girlfriend. There’s a big chance that at some point in your life you might have given up on finding someone you truly connect with and settled into a safe zone where you’re lonely and single. 

If you take a close, honest look at your inner self, chances are, you have a desire to have a deeper, more satisfying connection with someone else. That’s why we’re human anyway. We all need to connect with someone. Even if you’ve been going out on casual dates, at some point, you’ll want more than that. 

But, before we even get to the gist of the matter, you should do some introspection. If you’ve been finding it hard to get a girlfriend for the longest time, maybe the problem is you. Guys, sometimes, the problem isn’t that we can’t find girlfriends; it’s that we have deeper issues we should take care of before we find that connection we’re looking for. 

Why You Can’t Find A Girlfriend

  • You’re not trying hard enough
  • You’re too needy
  • You’re not ready to make the first move
  • You don’t know how to talk to women
  • You don’t take care of how you look
  • You’re too insecure
  • You’re a pervert(this is the worst reason)

If you find something you identify with on the above list, we’d suggest you work on it first. But, even after you work on yourself, you still could have issues finding a girlfriend. Here’s how.

Build Your Confidence

Before you find the girl of your dreams, you’ll have to build your personality, image, and confidence. Think about the man that you’d like your girlfriend to see and work on being that man. Do you have any passions that you’ve neglected? 

Working on your passion and getting better will enhance your confidence and help you have fun while doing it. When you’re good at something, you look more attractive while doing it. Women are drawn to confident men so trying to get better at something you like will give you more points. 

Not only this, but you will gather stories that make your life interesting. Whether you like surfboarding, traveling, playing an instrument, or cooking, make sure you add more experience to your life by trying out new things or learning new cultures. 

Get Out Of Your Cocoon

Getting couped up in your house all day and all week won’t increase your chances of getting a girlfriend. You need to take a shower, put on some nice clothes and go where you’ll find girls. You’ll find girls everywhere you go, think about your local eatery, the mall, bar, or even your grocery shop. 

The possibilities of finding a girl anywhere you go are endless and stepping out of the house is the first step to ensuring you increase your chances. Make sure you attend social events, go to the gym, go to social gatherings with your friends or sign up for an activity. All these are awesome ways of expanding your network and meeting girls.

Remember, if you do get to meet girls and you’re not prepared, you’re going to lose points. Even if you’re the best flirt in the room and don’t look presentable, chances are, girls won’t look your way. Always make sure you’ve got clean clothes and deodorant on. 

Select Someone You Like And Zero In

Once you’ve set your eyes on a particular girl, you need to approach them. However, your approach will vary depending on where the two of you are. If you see a girl you like at a bar, ask her if you can buy her a drink. If you meet her at the park, try to make some small talk about what a nice day it is. If you compliment her about her looks, try not to look like a pervert while doing it.

Get to know the girl you like before you ask her out on a date. Especially if you’ve met her on an online dating platform. This will ensure you know the girl enough to want to spend some time with her. Before you speak to the girl you like, make sure you’ve equipped yourself well enough.

Practice what you’re going to tell her. Write down questions that you’d like to ask her and then practice them on other girls first. By the time you’re meeting this girl, you’ll be ready to ace your date with her.

If the woman you’re meeting seems like she’s not into small talk, research on different subjects she’d enjoy, and pick interesting topics to talk about. The most important thing is that you shouldn’t run out of things to have a conversation about. 

Once you show interest in her, she will show you what she likes while talking to you. Take advantage of this and make sure you ask her questions. Asking questions will show you’re interested in what she has to say and allow her to open up to you.

Ask Her For A Date

Now, the date will determine whether the woman you want will want to see you again. But, before that, you want to make sure that it materializes. While talking to the girl you like, tell her you enjoyed talking with her and that you’d like to have her number. 

Make sure she becomes your text buddy first before you ask her out on a date. Once you’ve both become comfortable with each other, asked her out. Simply ask her when she’s free and whether you can meet her for coffee, dinner, or lunch. If you see her regularly, try to do it face to face. Once you score the date, you’re well on your way to getting a girlfriend.

Remember to plan the date around activities she likes or you could end up looking mismatched. If the woman you like says no to a date with you, don’t take it too hard, rejection happens all the time. All you need to do is up to your game next time and repeat the process.


With the right resources, getting a girlfriend should be easy enough. One way of getting a girlfriend is through online dating. Downloading and using apps such as Be Together ensures that you meet hundreds of potential connections at the click of a button. 

What’s more, it’s secure and you don’t have to go through the ordeal of getting out of the house if you’re an introvert. Well, at least until it’s time to meet for the first date. 




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