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يساعدك تطبيق Be Together في العثور على شريكك المثالي والبدء في التعرف عليهم لتكوين علاقات جادة وزيجات ناجحة.

Find The Perfect Partner

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Is there such a thing as a perfect partner?

And if there is such a person, what makes this person so perfect?

Are they really perfect? Or we see them as perfect when we want to?

First of all, let us agree on the fact that there is no such thing as perfect, and there is no magical formula to reach, find, or create perfection.

When people say that they want to find their perfect partner, they do not mean (at least they should not) that they want to find someone who embodies the meaning of perfection.

They rather mean that they want to find someone who matches their personality, taste, traits, and interests in a perfect way.

“It is not until you rhyme with a person that makes you their perfect match, it is when you are satisfied with each other’s peculiarities, and fine jewels in their loopholes.”
― Michael Bassey Johnson

 How do we know that this person is our perfect match?

In most cases, we just do.

We often meet people who we admire and like, but we don’t manage to understand why it does not feel right with them.

That happens a lot because not everything is about likability and charisma.

There are things that matter to us in finding our perfect partner far more than if we like them or not.

For example, we can not love someone who we don’t enjoy their company. No matter how gorgeous we think they are.

We need someone we can talk to and be comfortable with. 

Someone we can share our dreams, fears and troubles with. 

Someone who won’t judge us no matter what.

Because what is a relationship after all?

It is when two people decide that they want to be with each other more than anyone else in the world. 

It is not always going to be rosy, and that is why it is essential that we choose someone we can be our true selves with. 

A big mistake people do when they are getting to know a potential partner is that they compare them to people they have previously met or been with.

That is extremely unfair! 

Not only will they deny themselves the chance to know that person, but they are also giving their minds pre-set negative thoughts.

Because your ex-partner may have been perfect in one aspect or another, but that does not mean that this new person is not more suitable for you.

We always have to remember that no one is perfect, like Donald Miller said in his book “ A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life”:

“When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.”

This could not be more true.
Just as we want people to like, love, and choose us for who we are, we should like, love, and choose them for who they are.

Briefly, if you like someone, give them a chance. 

No one is saying you should not pay attention to the details, please do!

But never forget to enjoy your time, be yourself, and let them be themselves.

After all, they could be your One.

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