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يساعدك تطبيق Be Together في العثور على شريكك المثالي والبدء في التعرف عليهم لتكوين علاقات جادة وزيجات ناجحة.

5 Most Common Mistakes people often make in a Relationship

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Having a beautiful, healthy, romantic, and fun relationship is something we all want and seek.

No matter how successful we are in our careers, how happy we are in our families, or how many amazing, reliable, and trustworthy friends we may have, we all want to find that special someone.

We want to find someone we can love, cherish, adore, and grow old with.

In return, we want to feel loved and cherished by that someone.

After we find someone that we like, which is a difficult process by itself, we move to the next step, which is to build a loving relationship with them.

And when it comes to our relationship, we want nothing but the best of the best.

Something we can rely on in our happy and sad days alike.

We would not settle for or tolerate a relationship that is anything less than perfect.

But what makes a relationship perfect and fulfilling?

There are many factors that contribute to a perfect relationship, here are some of them:

  • We want a relationship where we can be ourselves completely. Without having to resort to changing aspects we love about ourselves.
  • We want a relationship we love every minute of the day, regardless of our moods and states. Because who wants to be with someone who loves them conditionally? Absolutely no one.
  • We want a relationship we understand. Explaining ourselves, our wants, and interests should not be a difficult worrisome process. On the contrary, it should be easy.
  • We want a relationship where we can trust our partners and be fully convinced that they would never betray our trust. Without trust, no one can feel safe. And without safety, no one can be happy.
  • We also want a relationship where we feel supported all along the way. We want someone who would support us and support our goals every step of the way. 
  • We also want a relationship that feels effortless and breezy. When we are with the right person, everything should be natural and comfortable.

However, what most of us sometimes forget, is that it takes two not one to achieve this kind of relationship.

We should put in the same effort we ask our partner to put.

After all, a healthy relationship is an equal one.

A mistake we often make is expecting our partner to do everything right while we don’t give our best in return.

It just does not make any sense at all.

Let us talk about some of the mistakes we usually make in our relationships.

Moodiness without any explanation

Moodiness is something most of us, if not all, can experience. It is completely normal and it can happen to all of us.

Work pressure, troubles, problems with our family and friends, can all shed negative energy on our minds. And our behavior is always affected by it all.

However, we should explain to our partners why we are feeling sad or telling them why we seem distant or moody in order for them to understand us.

No one can read minds and they certainly need to know if you are upset about something so they do not understand your behavior as simple disinterest or arrogance.


It is no wonder that infidelity is the number one cause for divorce.

After all, who can withstand infidelity? No one can.

Even if people somehow manage to forgive it, most often than not, they find themselves unable to move on and actually be as they used to be with their partner again.

Because once trust is broken it could never be mended again.

No one should live with infidelity, as Susan Forward said in her book “When Your Lover Is a Liar: Healing the Wounds of Deception and Betrayal”:

“When your lover is a liar, you and he have a lot in common, you’re both lying to you!”


A relationship is equal parts of you and your partner. 

It is a fair collective work of two people in love.

The secret key to the success of any relationship is that both parties should put in the same effort.

Otherwise, even if the relationship worked, it will not be a healthy one.


Neglect can slowly kill any relationship, no matter how strong it is.

When we make the mistake of neglecting our partner, we will be slowly but deliberately ending our relationship with them.

We will only realize it when it is too late and the damage has already done.

Hiding weaknesses

A relationship can’t be successful unless it’s based on a foundation of trust and honesty. 

Sometimes people mistakenly think their partners will keep loving them if they only see the best parts of them.

Real love is when our partners love us the way we are. 

We should show ourselves as we are, how else will they get to know us?

Hiding our real characters will lead to problems, complications, and frustrations in the relationship in the long run.

This kind of attitude shows a deep lack of self-confidence. 

People who try to fake it are saying that they feel unworthy of being loved because they believe the only way to get love is by being someone else and not themselves.


These are only a few of the many mistakes we can make.

It can eventually cost us our precious relationship.

We should always remember that maintaining a relationship is even more difficult than starting one.

We should always make sure to show our love to our partner and to avoid hurting them at all costs.

After all, don’t we all ask for that from our partner? It makes perfect sense that we give them that in return.

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