أفضل تطبيق تعارف بغرض الزواج

ابحث عن نصفك الثاني

يساعدك تطبيق Be Together في العثور على شريكك المثالي والبدء في التعرف عليهم لتكوين علاقات جادة وزيجات ناجحة.

Being in Love

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What is love?

This topic has mesmerized writers, singers, artists,  and historians since the beginning of time.

Authors tried to write about it.

Painters tried to paint it.

Singers sang about it.

And WE tried to feel it.

How would you describe the state of being in love? 

What would you say?

“Being in love is frantic. Fluttery. Falling. It is nervous sweats and pounding heartbeats and a feeling of tremendous rightness”

That is how author Sarah Hogle described the state of being in love in her book “You Deserve Each other”.

And this how Nicholas Sparks, author of one of the most famous romantic books of all times, “The Notebook”, described it:

“They didn’t agree on much. In fact, they did not agree on anything. They fought all the time and challenged each other every day. But despite their differences, they had one important thing in common. They were crazy about each other.”

Frida Kahlo, Van Gogh, Vermeer, Renoir, Monet, and every other painter in the course of history tried to paint love.

Whether they were painting self-portraits, flowers, dancers, or nature, they tried to depict love into what they are painting.

Feeling romantic?

When we are in love, we become the best version of ourselves.

We become happy, kind, soft, and always smiling.

How many times have you seen someone you know and you immediately asked them what is different about them? Or why their eyes are twinkling? Or why they seem gentler, kinder, and softer?

You might have known right away that it is love. Because that is exactly what love does to us.

Being in love is something that happens to us with no permission, control, or guidelines.

We just fall in love as if we have no other choice, and most of the time, we never regret it.

Even if it did not work out between us the ones we love, we always cherish the memories we have with them.

Being in love is beautiful, magical, and life changing.

Embrace it, enjoy it, and keep it.

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