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A Funny Wife: The Ticket To A Successful Marriage

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We all could do with some laughter during these hard times. If you’re looking for a wife to marry, we’d suggest you marry one that has a good sense of humor. When your relationship becomes too serious and filled with expenses, the kids, and work-related stress, you’re going to need someone to remind you of relaxation, warmth, and the importance of bonding. 

Funny people are hilarious, creative, and to be honest, they can turn into precious little trolls. Unfortunately, not all funny women are appreciated. A simple search on Google on “why I should marry a funny woman” brings up thousands of searches about why you should marry a funny man. 

To be honest, we think funny women (and wives) should be given the credit they deserve. Most men tend to look away from funny women due to personal biases, the fear of their wives overshadowing them, or insecurity. Luckily for the women, this is only reflective of a weak man and not so much of the good-humored woman in their life. 

Folks, even though most people are socialized to make life seem that serious, it really isn’t. After all, none of us get out alive. Men, just like trends, looks fade and bodies succumb to gravity. However, there’s no expiration date on humor. There’s simply no reason for you to feel intimidated by a funny woman when you’re looking for a person to marry. If anything, at least you’ll have someone to sit and laugh with when your hair goes gray. 

There are few things as attractive as a humorous wife. The best thing about a wife whose humorous personality you can appreciate is that this is one of those qualities that don’t fluctuate unlike an Instagram filter. 

We could go on and on about why a funny wife is the best wife. However, we’ve picked the best reasons why you should find that one woman, who can make you laugh.

She’s The Realest Person You’ll Ever Meet


Many people today are obsessed with “faking it till they make it”. As a result, you’ve probably met a couple of women who don’t show you who they truly are. People nowadays do things for social media. Unfortunately, the “likes” we get on social media don’t determine what people feel about us in the real world. A funny woman is oftentimes genuine about her feelings and if you’re genuine yourself, you’ll recognize it too. This is the reason why humorous girls usually have loads of human friends because they show their affection by making the people closest to them laugh.

She’s Confident About Herself

Now, think about this, have you ever met a shy comedian? Most likely not. Anyone who tries to make other people laugh must have felt a little pressure before they actually did it. If your wife or the girl you want to marry has a great sense of humour, this means they’re courageous and confident about their abilities. 

Most times, funny women are aware of their abilities and using their humour as a tool to keep people attracted to them is quite sexy. Most times, dudes are intimidated by a woman they find funny and choose to stick with girls that would probably laugh at their jokes. But, this is only a reflection of how unconfident the guy can get. 

She’s Smart And Intelligent

It’s hard not to realize that the girl you want to marry is intelligent if she’s funny. If your wife-to-be is constantly and purposely making you laugh, she knows that she’s got a superpower and she’ll use it on you sometimes to make you laugh. 

Your funny wife-to-be will be able to critique you or different things without stepping on toes and she’ll always know the best time to make a situation seem lighter than it usually is. In a sense, her humor will never make her look like an impolite person.

Funny people usually have the ability to provoke thoughts and make those around them think. This aspect of their personality proves that they are aware of their environment and events that are happening all around them. If you marry a wife who has the ability to make you think, then you’re in great luck. 

There’s No Time For Grudges


Even if you get upset with your wife, you know the grudge won’t last long because she will find a way to make you laugh or smile. Her ability to keep you smiling will always keep you in check and allow you to have a look at the bigger picture.  Most of the time, arguments that couples have are about a lot of petty issues that they’ll most likely forget after a short time. When you have a witty wife, you’ll have someone in your life that has the ability to shake off arguments and misunderstandings before they evolve into more serious issues. 

When you know your wife is funny, it’ll be that much harder for you to stay mad at her when you know deep down you’d rather be having a drink with her and laughing. When your wife or soon-to-be wife is funny, make sure you hold tightly onto her because she’ll be your best friend.

She’ll Tear Down Your Guard


With a funny wife, you can always be comfortable being yourself. Your girl is always being true to herself and that’s probably the best part about her. She will help you find humor in places where you wouldn’t think to look without much effort. Funny women know that they don’t need anything material to find happiness and you won’t feel obligated to buy her expensive gifts to keep her happy.

With your witty wife by your side, you’ll never feel the need to hide some of yourself just to get a smile from her and you have the peace of mind knowing that she’ll always accept you just as you are. In fact, she’ll always give you something to smile about.


Getting a funny wife isn’t hard at all. As long as you keep your mind open, you might meet her soon. Using an app such as the Be Together app will help you match to hundreds of people with similar characteristics you’re looking for. Just get on the app, fill your profile and start looking. 




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